Plant based beverages and foods packed with superfoods to fight disease and boost health.
Inspired from ayurvedic receipies and ingredients that have time test results in promoting a healthy heart, a clear mind and optimal body weight
Benefits of Plant based Superfoods
Increases metabolism, reduces weight
Reduces cholesterol by 4x times!
Retains focus, - an organized mind
Promotes blood circulation - clear glowing skin
Enhances sleep - wake up fresh

Purposefuel Foods & Beverages
We will offer a wide range of products from plant based beverages to superfood packed snacks and bites. We are working on a range of nutritional foods specifically aimed at promoting a healthy diet rich in clean foods that boost the bodies immune system and helps safeguard against disease progression

Plant Based Beverages
Coming soon
On the go beverages
Delicious Plant based functional beverages
Purposefuel Plant Based Healthy Snacks
Available Now
Power packed Plant based Functional Snack Bites
Paleo Friendly
Gluten Free
Vegan Friendly
No Added Sugars
High in Vitamins and Minerals
Available in NYC, NJ, Metro DC locations
and online
Superfoods Pantry is proud to introduce our Purposefuel brand of healthy functional food products that are available both in select retail as well as online store fronts.
Purposefuel Functional Snack Bites are available in NYC, NJ and DC Metro locations at select fine specialty stores and supermarkets such as Westside market, Union Kitchen, Brooklyn Fare, Dumbo Market and various other locations. Please refer to our instragram and facebook page and stories where we frequently update for new store locations.
We are also available online
@Fullfillment by Amazon
@FAIRE marketplace
Healthie Cafes in NYC & DC
Employer Cafeterias
Specialty food stores
Employer Wellness Plans
Payors Healthy Programs
Retail Pharmacy